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ACCOUNT, formerly called Australian Accounting & Taxation Database (AATD), is prepared by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia’s Knowledge Centre. Subjects covered are: accounting, auditing, taxation, insolvency, corporate law, superannuation, retirement planning, financial planning, practice management and human resources and is produced by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. It covers the period from 1982 to present.

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Business Source Complete

Business Source Complete is a scholarly business database, featuring a large collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.

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CCH iKnowConnect

iKnowConnect is CCH's online platform which delivers full text access to CCH Australia's publications combined with advanced research tools. The publications include loose-leaf services, law reports and books.

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Checkpoint ANZ is an information solution for tax and accounting professionals. The database contains a wide range of both tax and accounting information. It also features simultaneous searches across the ATO legal database, and offers tools such as calculators and templates. Currency statements and history notes are provided for legislation (updated weekly), with ATO federated links refreshed every 24 hours.

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EBSCO Business Source Complete - Alumni edition

Business Source Complete - Alumni edition, is a scholarly business database, featuring a large collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for important scholarly business journals are included, and searchable cited references are provided for journals.

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EconLit is the foremost source of references to economic literature with citations and abstracts dating back to 1886. EconLit uses the JEL classification system and controlled vocabulary of keywords to index six types of records: journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers and full-text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature. The database is updated monthly.

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Harvard Business Publishing

The Harvard Business Publishing database contains over 30,000 online articles, cases, eBooks, teaching notes and interactive simulations covering a broad range of disciplines, including: accounting, ethics, human resource management, information technology, marketing and management.

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INTAX - International Taxation Issues Database

INTAX covers taxation topics, including tax planning, avoidance and evasion, transfer pricing, foreign source income, e-commerce, and consumption taxes and is produced by Information Services at the Australian Taxation Office. Please note INTAX is no longer updated and coverage is limited to 1990 to July 2003.

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Tax Notes

Tax Notes International is a collection of publications by Tax Analysts, a non-profit tax publisher. The database provides access to up-to-date news and analysis on International taxation in over 180 different nations. The service includes a database of Worldwide Tax Treaties, Tax Notes International & Tax Notes Today International (previous title: Worldwide Tax Daily).

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VALISE - Victorian Audit Library Information Service Database

VALISE - Victorian Audit Library Information Service Database covers auditing, public finance and public administration and is produced by the Victorian Auditor-General's Office. It covers the period from 1988 to present.

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